[Koha-devel] Koha 3.2 in virtualization or with several database : Is it effective ?

Tomas Cohen Arazi tomascohen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 17:46:42 CEST 2010

2010/8/2 Brice Sanchez <brice.sanchez at sys-tech.net>:
> Thank you for your reply,
> I've already done several installations of Koha in DEV and Single mode. But
> when we have multiple installations on one server we have problems with the
> Zebra indexing engine.
> This is why we try to virtualize (with Xen), or to install a single Koha
> running with several databases.
> We are therefore looking for feedback and help to build the right
> architecture : that is the most easily maintainable for 20 School and  can
> easily accommodate 500 simultaneous users.

We've successfully installed multiple instances within the same server
using the following schema: each instance is called koha_<instance
name>. Then in an standard install when you're asked for the install
dir you put koha_<instance name> and the koha installer creates:

/etc/koha_<instance name>
/usr/share/koha_<instance name>
/var/lib/koha_<instance name>

You can then set a shell variable:

# export KOHAINSTANCE=koha_<instance name>

and run the following for finishing the setup:

# ln -s $KOHAPATH/bin/koha-zebra-ctl.sh /etc/init.d/$KOHAINSTANCE-zebra-daemon
# update-rc.d $KOHAINSTANCE-zebra-daemon defaults
# ln -s /etc/$KOHAINSTANCE/koha-httpd.conf
# a2ensite $KOHAINSTANCE
# apache2ctl reload

Assuming you're running on Ubuntu/Debian.

You then have to fix your cronjobs to match this schema. Probably
having to prepend KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha_<instance name>/koha-conf.xml to
your commands, for example:

If you want to rebuild the zebra database of an instance:
su - koha -c "KOHA_CONF=/etc/$KOHAINSTANCE/koha-conf.xml
/usr/share/koha_saludpublica/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a
-b -w -r -v"

Or put an incremental reindex in the cronjob:

0/2 * * * *    root         KOHA_CONF=/etc/$KOHAINSTANCE/koha-conf.xml
/usr/share/koha_saludpublica/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a
-b -z

If you have trouble with this setup, feel free to contact.


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