[Koha-devel] haspermission() usage

Edgar Fuß ef at math.uni-bonn.de
Fri Jul 29 18:53:31 CEST 2011

I'm confused about the usage of haspermission(). According to the documentation, the first parameter is the userid (named userid) and the second a hash reference of permission to check (named flagsrequired).
However, haspermission() is called with totally different parameters, sometimes only one, that being a hash with a key "flagsrequired".
I actually put some Data::Dumper stuff into C4::Auth::haspermission to check; the arguments are totally broken.

> ./acqui/basket.pl:    if ($basket->{closedate} && haspermission({ flagsrequired   => { acquisition => 'group_manage'} })) {
Missing userid, broken flagsrequired.

> ./acqui/booksellers.pl:            || haspermission( $uid, { flagsrequired => { acquisition => q{*} } } )
Broken flagsrequired. Plus $uid is generated rather strangely.

> ./admin/aqbudget_owner_search.pl:        my $perms = haspermission( $res->{'userid'} );
Missing flagsrequired, maybe OK.

> ./members/deletemem.pl:    unless(C4::Auth::haspermission($userenv->{'id'},{'staffaccess'=>1})) {
> ./members/deletemem.pl:    unless(C4::Auth::haspermission($userenv->{'id'},{'borrowers'=>1})) {
> ./members/memberentry.pl:    if (ref($borrower_data) && ($borrower_data->{'category_type'} eq 'S') && ! (C4::Auth::haspermission($userenv->{'id'},{'staffaccess'=>1})) )  {
Looks correct.

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