[Koha-devel] KohaCon11 hackfest: discussion

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Tue Mar 29 13:36:58 CEST 2011

Le 28/03/2011 12:45, Koustubha Kale a écrit :
> Here is what I suggest :
> 1) We break for a day after the main conference on Thursday 3rd November.
> 2) We start Hackfest in two separate nearby rooms one for teaching /
> getting started sessions the other room for experienced developers to
> hack together at peace. The experienced developers take breaks turn by
> turn to deliver sessions / guidance in the first room. This goes on
> for two days Friday 4th November and Saturday 5th November.
> Experienced developers who can not be physically present but would
> still like to participate in the hackfest, we will try to accommodate
> through video conferencing. Frankly I don't know how thats gonna work
> for hacking together, but atleast they can deliver some guidance /
> tips to the newbies. End of day two of hackfest i.e. on Saturday 5th
> November,  the developers who can not stay more can leave but they
> would still have had two days of hacking together.
> 3) Those developers who can stay more are free to continue hacking
> again from Monday 7th November for as long as they want. I am sure we
> will find a place for them to work for as long as it takes.
> How does that sound?
My fear is that most of the devs will flight back during the week-end
if  3) is not announced/organised.
We must propose something very clearly, not just say "stay as long as
you want".
That's also a must-have for ppl that have a boss and must argue that
they must stay for one more week. For example, I think Katrin will have
some difficulties to argue & convince her boss !

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