[Koha-devel] Major surprise - "automatic" upgrade

Paul paul.a at aandc.org
Sun Apr 28 16:25:42 CEST 2013

Can someone please help me understand what on earth has happened? Tarball 
Koha 3.8.5 on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04.2 (sandbox, thank goodness, exact mirror 
of our production box opac.navalmarinearchive.com)

Yesterday, to avoid downtime on the production box, I used the sandbox for 
a "manual" cleanup of the mirror db using cleanup_database.pl intending to 
dump the "cleaned" db back into production.

Import, mail. sessions and logs went as expected, but:
      koha at hardy:/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs$ ./cleanup_database.pl 
--zebraqueue -v
      Zebraqueue purge triggered for 30 days
seemed to hang so I left it overnight, and this morning got:
      131575 records were deleted.
      Done with zebraqueue purge.

A fresh MySQL dump showed that this had worked (dump size down by more than 

But - OPAC was "down for maintenance" and logging into admin from a 
workstation gave me "Web installer › Step 3 We are upgrading from Koha to, you must update your database." So (maybe 
idiotically) I clicked the "update" and got:
Updating database structure
      Update report :
          Upgrade to (3.8.6 release) done
          Upgrade to (3.8.7 release) done
          Upgrade to (3.8.8 release) done
          Upgrade to (3.8.9 release) done
          Upgrade to (3.8.9 release) done
      Everything went OK, update done.
      Continue to log in to Koha

Now, "About Koha" reports Koha version: !!!!!!!  There is a 
copy of koha-3.08.10.tar.gz at root on this box (I was thinking of 
experimenting, but never even got around to untarring it):
paul at hardy:/$ find / -iname '*3.08.10*'
paul at hardy:/$

There appears to be nothing in syslog, but Koha has definitely "upgraded 
something" and koha-error_log shows a whole bunch of errors, starting with 
the requirement for db update:

[Sun Apr 28 12:31:16 2013] [error] [client "me"] [Sun Apr 28 12:31:16 2013] 
search.pl: Database update needed, redirecting to Installer. Database is 
3.0805000 and Koha is 3.0810000 at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth.pm line 593.

and continuing with a whole bunch of "languages" along the lines of:

[Sun Apr 28 12:31:17 2013] [error] [client "me"] [Sun Apr 28 12:31:17 2013] 
install.pl: Use of uninitialized value $current_language in string eq at 
/usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Languages.pm line 317.

which probably relate just to the database structure.  The log shows no 
trace of untarring koha-3.08.10.tar.gz and, quite frankly, given that all 
the log entries span 1 min. 44 secs, I just don't believe that the sandbox 
(a fairly slow, early 64-bit box) could have done a complete version upgrade.

I've looked at the code in cleanup_database.pl (and search.pl), and can't 
see any obvious reason to "redirect to Installer."

So -- what has happened?  Can I dump the cleaned db back into production? 
What are the specific changes 3.8.5 to 3.8.10 that required "updating"?

Before I go blundering around like a bull in a chinashop, I'd really 
appreciate some assistance.

Thanks and best regards,

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