[Koha-devel] Architectural goals for 3.16

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Dec 11 23:34:48 CET 2013

Paul A schreef op wo 11-12-2013 om 13:25 [-0500]:
> The other (in my mind anyway) point that I fear we are overlooking, is
> that 
> this "browser" discussion started with Bootstrap v3 -- and all of this
> is 
> just an expanded CSS usage for cosmetic purposes - rounded corners on 
> boxes, etc, - but might be more relevant to mobile usage.

Mobile internet use is huge. One of the major sites in NZ has gone from
5% mobile use to 50-something% in the past ~5 years. It's even more in
some other countries, for example: "In Rural India, 70% of the active
internet users also access internet using mobile phones, while 32% use
internet only through mobile."[0]

This suggests that we're reaching a point where the focus must be at
least equal between desktop and mobile, possibly erring more toward

Bootstrap isn't about "expanded CSS usage for cosmetic purposes", it's
something that allows us to serve the majority of our users. To be
honest, if we stop supporting the 0.2-0.3% on IE7 in exchange for
providing access to 30% more on mobile, that's a definite win.


Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
✆ +64 4 803 2204
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