[Koha-devel] Architectural goals for 3.16

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Thu Dec 19 17:17:26 CET 2013

Le 18/12/2013 23:31, Galen Charlton a écrit :
> Hi,
> Paul Poulain- 63
I don't endorse those 63: most of them (if not all) were in fact
sandboxes signoff, because I use my account to send signoff from the
sandboxes. Maybe we should/could create a generic "sandbox signoff"
account ?

> That last sentence is yes, directed at BibLibre
Just to share (Galen already knows): in Jonathan's work, there's
roughly, half of his time dedicated to QAing & rebasing patches.
The other half is dedicated to developing new features for customers.
("half" does not mean "half every day")

Julian and Matthias have 1/3rd of their time on Koha (all counted:
rebasing, submitting, ... -no QA, maybe I should ask at least one of
them to do some QA or signoff sometimes-)

> One for one is a minimum, I feel -- there are several organizations
> that average two or more patches reviewed for each one they author.
> [2]
I'm a little bit uncomfortable with those numbers because they can't
show the time we dedicate to rebasing patches. When you submit an
enhancement that is not pushed quickly, rebasing 4 or 5 times is common.
And that's a part of the quality process. And we try to have a very good
reactivity on this matter.
But those number can also convince me to ask someone from my staff to
get involved (on a regular basis).

> One thing I will add  -- if one looks at the commits pushed to the
> master branch, starting with the beginning of the 3.2 development
> cycle through the release of 3.14.0, the release manager who has
> pushed the most patches authored by BibLibre is... me.  This isn't
> actually a terribly interesting fact, as a lot of factors contribute
> to the ebb and flow of which patches get pushed when, but I hope you
> will take this as indication that I highly value the work that
> BibLibre has done and continues to do.

BibLibre is submitting more and more patches. So it would be surprising
that we were not being pushed more and more.
Undoubtedly, that's also because we submit a lot of new features that we
face this problem and would like to find a way to lower bottlenecks.

And if I were playful[*], I would bounce[*] on the fact that you highly
value the work we're doing: thank you for that. I'm sure then, as you
value it so high, that you'll try to find a way to conserve (or even
improve) our enthusiasm, right ? ;-)

[*] strictly no negative meaning here, I hope google translate didn't
lied to me with these words...

>> And BibLibre should be a leader here, I apologize because we aren't
> Great -- I look forward to BibLibre taking a more active role on this front.
In French we would say "you take up the ball" ;-)

> Users who have customized their Zebra index definitions will have more
> work to do during an upgrade, however.
OTOH, those who are able to customize their zebra index definitions also
have the skills to double check their upgrade ;-)

> [2] http://paste.koha-community.org/27
Paul POULAIN - Associé-gérant
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Logiciels Libres pour les bibliothèques et les centres de documentation

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