[Koha-devel] Zebra re-indexing issue

Paul paul.a at aandc.org
Wed Feb 13 18:19:28 CET 2013

At 04:44 PM 2/13/2013 +0300, Dilan M. Rostam wrote:
>Thank you Paul,Â
>We use MARC21 now I have checked, and I ranÂ
>I got , I am not sure what it means,Â
>sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -b -r -v -x  library
>Cannot specify -r or -s if -z is specified
>Please do '/usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl --help' to 
>see usage.

Why are you trying to index as 'root'?  If you have used the default name 
"koha" as owner of the process during installation, please try:

you at server:$ su koha
[enter password]
koha at server:$ cd /usr/share/koha
koha at server:/usr/share/koha$ ./bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -b -r -v -x
koha at server:/usr/share/koha$ ./bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a -r -v

The -z option is for incremental indexing, normally used in your cron job 
to update an existing Zebra index.


>On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Paul <paul.a at aandc.org> wrote:
>At 10:39 PM 2/12/2013 +0300, MHE IT admin wrote:
>Our library web site just started to give error messages #404, so I tried 
>to fix the issue with running
>koha-stop-zebra libraryÂ
>koha-start-zebra library
>sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v  library
>Have you tried doing this as "koha" (or whatever other user was given 
>privileges during setup) rather than root? e.g.:
>koha at server:/usr/share/koha$ ./bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl ... 
>I do not use -f, but you might try -b -r -v -x then -a -r -v
>Zebra configuration information
>Zebra biblio directory   Â  Â = /var/lib/koha/library/biblios
>Zebra authorities directory = /var/lib/koha/library/authorities
>Koha directory   Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â = 
>BIBLIONUMBER in : Â  Â  852$8
>I don't know if 3.10 has changed (so could be way off track), but 3.6 and 
>3.8 (marc21) by default look for biblionumber in 999$c
>Best - Paul
>Dr Dilan M. Rostam
>Vice-President for Scientific Affairs
>Koya University
>University Park
>Daniel Mitterrand Boulevard
>Koya KOY45
>Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq
>Mobile: +964.7503057849
>E-mail: dilan.rostam at koyauniversity.org
>URL: koya.edu.iq

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