[Koha-devel] Major surprise - "automatic" upgrade

Paul paul.a at aandc.org
Wed May 1 00:10:13 CEST 2013

At 06:44 AM 5/1/2013 +1200, Mason James wrote:
>lol, no Paul - i do not 'misunderstand' anything here

I'm not laughing, I'm "a little worried."

>hmmm, your 'automatic upgrade' was caused by...
>   - you manually pointing your 3.8.5 Koha to a 3.8.10 codebase, (then 
> forgetting you did that)

No. (and despite my advancing years, not only is my memory way above 
average, but I keep notes of everything I do. On this particular box, I did 
a wget for the tarball to /home/paul/, tar xvfz'ed to /home/paul/, and 
cp'ed the .gz to / with the unfulfilled intention of upgrading, all on 23 
Feb this year.)

>   - you manually logging-in as the Koha database user at the 
> install/upgrade page

No. I was logged in as user=koha to run './cleanup_database.pl --zebraqueue 
-v', *not* at any "install" page.

>   - you manually clicking 'upgrade'

No. Or rather, upgrade what?

For an upgrade 3.8.5 ==> 3.8.10, categorically "No."

After running './cleanup_database.pl --zebraqueue -v', neither the OPAC nor 
the staff/8080 interface was available. My only way forward was a 
"staff/8080" login as user=koha and agree to "Web installer › Step 3: 
update your database" -- note *database*, nothing about version.

>Did i miss anything??

Yes. Using '-v' with cleanup_database.pl was not verbose. It was totally 
silent on version upgrade, only advised:
koha at hardy:/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs$ ./cleanup_database.pl --zebraqueue -v
Zebraqueue purge triggered for 30 days.
131575 records were deleted.
Done with zebraqueue purge.

Yes. I was operating as user=koha to run cleanup_database.pl. The fact is 
that the Koha version went from 3.8.5 to 3.8.10 without my permission.

Yes. user=koha has the permissions to upgrade versions, but why does 
cleanup_database.pl (specifically the '--zebraqueue -v' option) upgrade 
versions at the same time?

I truly appreciate your reply. But your suggestion that I "manually" did 
one of the three points you raised is untrue. Did the version upgrade 
happen? Yes. Did user=koka have the rights? Yes. Was I given any warning? 
No. Is there any reason why cleanup_database.pl should have anything to do 
with upgrading versions? That is my question. It did it. It's reproducible 
on my sandbox (and I'd be interested if others can confirm/deny.)

Best -- Paul

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