[Koha-devel] OPAC dir structure redesign

Mirko 5p4m at gmx.de
Mon May 6 10:21:16 CEST 2013

Mason James schrieb am 06.05.2013

> On 2013-05-6, at 5:42 PM, Katrin Fischer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree that maintaining 2 themes is a bit harder to do in
>> Koha development,
>> but I am not sure this necessarily means we have to remove 
>> functionality that could be quite useful for some Koha
>> projects.
>> Couldn't we keep the functionality and still decide to only
>> officially support one theme in releases?
> I'm just going to say this.. we have already make this mistake a
> few times now with Koha and themes
> afaik, Koha has had at least 3 previous themes, using the current
> directory structure
> ensuring that those previous theme files were maintained and
> correct proved to be an impossible task, and all of those themes
> were eventually removed
> i am certain if we don't fix this problem, for this cycle of
> themes - the same fate will occur again...

I think what Katrin is saying -- and I'd like to concur with -- is
that we should keep the function, not keep maintaining different
themes. There would only be one maintained theme in Koha out of the
box and libraries that use their own custom theme will have to
maintain it themselves.

The whole theme thing is kind of irrelevant if we reduce it to CSS,
we can have that in the appropriate sysprefs.

My library actually just has decided to create a custom theme for
the university's corporate identity, so I am biased, but I assume a
lot of libraries will run into problems if that functionality will

-- Mirko

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