[Koha-devel] Cover image 'thumbnail' size is bigger than 'imagefile' size

Andreas Roussos arouss1980 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 10:42:29 CET 2018

Dear Developers,

We use local cover images in our setup, and also resize the covers
we scan to a width of 160px before uploading and attaching them to
a Koha bibliographic record (we upload one cover per biblio).

While using phpMyAdmin to view the contents of the 'biblioimages'
table (relevant screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/cSEVLBI), we
noticed that the size of the BLOBs for the 'thumbnail' column was in
some cases twice as big as that of the 'imagefile' column. In fact,
this happens for more than 50% of uploaded covers as you can see
from the output of the SQL queries below:

mysql> SELECT COUNT( * ) AS count
         FROM biblioimages
        WHERE LENGTH( thumbnail ) > ( LENGTH( imagefile ) * 2 ) ;
| count |
|  1356 |

mysql> SELECT COUNT( * ) AS count,
              SUM( LENGTH( imagefile ) ) AS images_size,
              SUM( LENGTH( thumbnail ) ) AS thumbnails_size
         FROM biblioimages ;
| count | images_size | thumbnails_size |
|  2347 |    68323933 |       115839686 |

It would appear that for each 160px-wide JPG with 24-bit depth that
we have uploaded, the 'imagefile' column has been populated with an
PNG of 8 bit depth with the same dimensions as the uploaded file,
whereas the 'thumbnail' column contains a 24-bit PNG image with a
width reduced to 140 pixels.

I've tracked down the creation of resized 24-bit PNGs to this code:

Do thumbnails for covers need to be true colour (24-bit) images?

Also, why is it that _scale_image() returns an image of 8-bit depth
if the source image's dimensions are less than 600x800? (i.e. when
no resizing is performed)

Thank you in advance for your time.

Kind regards,
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