[Koha-devel] REST API + DataTables

dcook at prosentient.com.au dcook at prosentient.com.au
Fri Sep 3 08:26:11 CEST 2021

Hi all,


Do we have any examples of using the Mojolicious REST API to provide data
for DataTables in Koha?


I think the answer is probably no since the DataTables calls aren't really


Yet, we have this growing API, and we want to use that API to make more
efficient user interfaces. Does anyone know how we might do that with


On a different project, I ended up writing a specific controller just for
handling DataTables AJAX calls since they're very particular. But even
that's easier said than done in a generic way because of business rules and




David Cook

Senior Software Engineer

Prosentient Systems

Suite 7.03

6a Glen St

Milsons Point NSW 2061



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