[Koha-translate] about french strings in .po

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Jan 9 10:04:16 CET 2008

Hello all,

something like 4 years ago, when doXulting wrote unimarc plugin 
templates, they did it in french. Nobody ever translated them to 
english, that's why they are still now in french even in english, and 
thus appear in the .po file.

Fortunatly, there is an option in tmpl_process3.pl (the script that 
generate the strings file) Just add
-x .*unimarc.*
as parameter of tmpl_process3.pl and they are gone.
Of course, you'll stay with unimarc strings in french in your language. 
but if you don't use unimarc, you don't care.

On the long term, the best solution will be to translate those strings 
to english (& for us reintroduce them in french po file)


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Expert en Logiciels Libres pour l'info-doc
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