[Koha-translate] Arabic Koha 3.6 OPAC translation Complete, But !

Karam Qubsi karamqubsi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 08:33:47 CEST 2012

Hi all
We have finished translating the opac file in 3.6 arabic koha

I download the :
ar-Arab-i-opac-t-prog-v-3006000.po to my pc and Test it by the command :

msgfmt -c ar-Arab-i-opac-t-prog-v-3006000.po

we found about 27 fatal error and we solve them all .

when try to apply the translation to our opac it works in the main page of
the opac , but when get in (eg. Advanced Search) the opac back to English
version . i noticed that only the main opac page and the tags page is
working in Arabic .

so what is the problem ?
what we have to check , and fix ?
is there other ways to test the file ?

I fix the errors at my pc and when upload the file to the
translate.koha-community.org . it make it as suggestions

and there is a lot of old suggestion so fixing this errors in the website
is going to be difficult .
is there a way to upload my file directly (not as suggestions) ?

or other way to delete all older suggestions and so I can find the new
suggestion very fast ?

or is there a way to see suggestions by specific user  ?

Thanks a lot :)
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