[Koha-zebra] Re: Unimarc, marc21, Unicode, and MARC::File::XML

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Mar 20 12:18:16 CET 2006

Mike Rylander a écrit :
> I tested with the record you sent Ed and me, and everything seems to
> work for me ...
> As you can see, I tested several variants of the UNIMARC flag, and
> even tested not sending the encoding to new_from_xml() ... it all
> seems to work for me, and I'm not sure what problems you're seeing. 
> Perhaps you just needed to set your binmode for the XML source?

strange, strange...

What does my script :
* retrieve the MARC::Record from zebra
* read some datas from mysql
* build a page with HTML::Template
* send the pages to the browser

I added 3 lines to save the record in a file after reading from zebra. 
Adding binmode(F,':utf8');
before saving my record in F, give me correct UTF-8.
without binmode, it's NOK.

But when I put the MARC::record in a page builded with HTML::Template, 
it's wrong.
The HTML is utf-8 (html page encoding).
It also contains some strings from mySQL and all strings from mySQL 
appear as correct utf8 while all strings coming from the MARC::record 
coming from zebra are not !

I can add "binmode()" to the template output, but everything goes wrong 
with strings from mySQL.

Any suggestion welcomed !
Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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