[Koha-zebra] Scan problem.

Henri-Damien LAURENT henridamien at koha-fr.org
Mon Oct 29 15:54:12 CET 2007

Mike Taylor a écrit :
> Henri-Damien LAURENT writes:
>  > Hi,
>  > I am exploring a bit further scanning feature.
>  > It is really great and the fact that we can use @attr 8 with resultset
>  > number would be of great value to display facets in my opinion.
>  > But I am facing some problems :
>  >  ZOOM::Resultsets and ZOOM::Scansets are linked to connexions.
>  > If I want to use scan_pqf() with @attr 8= number, to limit facet to the
>  > previous resultset, I have to get or to guess resultset Number.
>  > But how can I since resultsets donot have any id property,
>  > and users are likely to refine or do multiple searchs ?
> You can retrieve the result-set ID using:
> 	$rs->option("resultSetId");
> (Make sure you have an up-to-date YAZ for this to work.)
>  > One solution I see would be to create and destroy connections right
>  > before and right after each search. Would kohagang agree on that ?
> I don't see that this is either necessary or sufficient.
>  > That way, ResultSet number would always be 1.
> Not necessarily.
>  > But it seems to me that getting resultset number as a property of
>  > ZOOM::ResultSets OR making ScanSets depend not only on connections but
>  > also on ResultSets could be a solution and could be interesting.
> Changing the model to make ScanSet dependent on ResultSet would have
> dramatic consequences and would violate the ZOOM Abstract API.  But I
> guess that you don't need this if you can fetch resultSetId.
>  > Another question is :
>  >      number [default: 10]
>  >            Indicates how many terms should be returned in the ScanSet. 
>  > The number actually returned may be less, if the start-point is near the
>  > end of the index, but will not be greater.
>  > Is there really no way to get More results ?
> Well, sure: set "number" to a higher number.
>  > What If I wanted only the 10 most relevant results but not the 10
>  > first ? Would there be a solution ?
> No, there is no relevance support in scan: it is a very literal-minded
> browse of the index.
>  > (But would work for Callnumbers, simple subjects, branches and
>  > Publihser names). Of course, we could get some by entering a
>  > one-letter word a b c d.... But if we could avoid...
> Sorry, I don't understand that question.
thanks for your answer.
resulsetId is really great.
the latest question I found a workaround :
  my $scan= $conn->scan_pqf('@attr 1=21 @attr 6=3 @attr 5=102 @attr 8=1
That way, I can get all the publishers.

>From perldoc ZOOM :
 number [default: 10]
           Indicates how many terms should be returned in the ScanSet. 
The number actually returned may be less, if the start-point is near the
end of the index, but will not be greater.
I tried to set number to 100 this way
  $conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => "usmarc",number=>100);

And got only 10 results.
Am I doing wrong ?

Is there a way to order "scanned" term on hit count ?
>  > My last question would be : What if I want to get all the distinct
>  > values stored for authors. Can I get them via a scan ?
>  > something like scan_pqf("@attr 1=1 @attr 8=1 @attr 6=3") which would
>  > return all authors, complete subfields, for resultset 1, assuming names
>  > and surnames would be in the same subfield.
> That looks about right.  Adam can comment on this from a more informed
> perspective than I can.
This query was wrong because no search parameter. I corrected it.

Henri Damien LAURENT et Paul POULAIN 
Consultants indépendants 
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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