[Koha-zebra] Zebrasrv-2.0

Mark Tompsett mtompset at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 4 14:57:09 CEST 2012


I think this is where you take a page from the other OS pages. I was looking 
at the Koha on Ubuntu page, and the section related to where you are having 
difficulty is Section 5.

You may have to tweak the scripts to start/stop/restart under CentOS. 
However, it would seem to me that if you trigger the daemon script on the 
appropriate init level, you'll get the same effort. And the cron tab part 
should work the same, though I don't know if CentOS has crontabs that run 
generally. I think that is why there was that install of that cron package.

Here is a 'ps aux | grep zebra' output from my koha server:
koha      3224  0.0  0.1  16832   544 ?        Ss   May29   0:00 
daemon --name=koha-zebra-ctl.kohadata --errlog=/var/log/koha/koha-zebradaemon.err 
 --stdout=/var/log/koha/koha-zebradaemon.log --output=/var/log/koha/koha-zebradaemon-output.log 
 --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 --user=koha koha -- /usr/bin/zebrasrv -v 
none,fatal,warn -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
koha      3226  0.0  1.3  99632  7180 ?        S    May29   0:00 
/usr/bin/zebrasrv -v none,fatal,warn -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
root     21431  0.0  0.1   6156   676 pts/0    S+   20:50   0:00 
grep --color=auto zebra

It seems to me that daemon is merely a wrapper that makes sure 
"/usr/bin/zebrasrv -v none,fatal,warn -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml" is run as 
koha, and checks to see if it died every 30 minutes and redirects STDOUT and 
STDERR of that command to either the output or error logs. I'm sure 
something like this exists under CentOS or RedHat.

Sorry that I can't help beyond those suggestions.

Mark Tompsett

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