[koha-Infos] koha/zebra [TRADUCTION]

Joshua Ferraro jmf at liblime.com
Mar 21 Juin 17:46:37 CEST 2005

On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 05:44:38PM +0200, paul POULAIN wrote:
> "financées" par une bibliothèque. Ce que je veux dire, c'est "si vous 
> voulez que quelque chose soit corrigé, payez un développeur pour que ca 
> soit fait !" (NDT : phraséologie typiquement américaine, je ne fais que 
> traduire ;-) )
Let me clarify (so you don't miss my tone). I mean to say that with free/open
source software (i.e. Koha) you always have the option of sponsership of
new features. This is not an option with proprietary software in most
cases (certainly not with the proprietary ILSes I know about!). So unlike
a traditional vendor-based system, Koha's resources aren't limited to
a single company's programmers -- the project can grow in many directions
if there are enough sponsors. So although with a proprietary system it
is legitimate to worry "if the programmers are developing _new stuff_
they won't work on the things I want fixed". But with Koha, we can work
on everything (provided it's important enough for the libraries to 
sponsor). I hope that makes sense and clarifies my tone.


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LibLime                  Koha ILS, Mambo Intranet, DiscrimiNet Filter
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