Fw: Re: [Koha-devel] strange search results (fwd)

Chris Cormack chris at katipo.co.nz
Mon Sep 30 14:21:03 CEST 2002

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:32:00PM +0300, Ville Huhtala said:
> ---------------------
> Yes, I did check all visible fields - but searies titles and notes are
> invisible. I think this is very, very wrong. If I remember right then some
> of those notes are for librarian only - and should not be searched. There is
> also no reason to hide notes that are made for opac users.
> Hiding the series title is also wrong because it makes difficult to uniquely
> identify searched works.
> (of course someone at Horowhenua should check the search result just to make
> sure it is not a bug)
Hi Guys

Yep, its displaying the way HLT want it to display, but thats the one of the
main reasons behind using HTML::Template to build templates for the opac.
So that its easy to set up templates for the display 'your' library wants.
This is what philanthropy australia are using. So their OPAC displays
different fields in different places.
The fully templated OPAC is due for release in 1.2.3 so hopefully that will
solve this.
Basically, If we make it easy for a library to display what information they
want to display on what screen. We dont fall into the trap of forcing people
to do things certain ways, because we think its the right way.

I hope this makes some sense :-)

Chris Cormack                                                     Programmer
025 500 789                                        Katipo Communications Ltd
chris at katipo.co.nz                                          www.katipo.co.nz

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