[Koha-devel] prog templates (once again)...

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Jan 18 15:39:01 CET 2006

OK, I gave prog templates a last chance...
and worked on acquisitions to be sure every template is valid XHTML 
(there was some missing + lot of XHTML error)

And finally I agree to work with PROG...
I just have some comments to have consistent templates :
* validate the XHTML. to do this, the best is to : set insecure=yes in 
system preferences && have the webdev toolbar installed on firefox && 
ctrl-shift-H to validate the current page in the w3c validator.

* Some html proposals :
- use h1 for page main title
- use h2 for bloc level title
- write forms with : <p><label>text</label><input type="..."></p>, NOT 
with <table>
- use <table> as few as possible (and only where tables are useful)
- don't use <caption> at the beginning of tables, at least not for table 
title. As most blocs are not table, the caption does not exist 
everywhere. Use h2 instead

Questions :
* the toggle variable is what the template designers must use when 
wanting a toggle color in <table> : <!-- TMPL_IF name="toggle" --><td 
with_toggle1_parameter><!-- TMPL_IF --><td with_toggle0_parameter><!-- 
/TMPL_IF --> I suggest having a style "toggled" in the css to check that 
the HTML is correct.

* begin every "invariant" bloc with <!-- KOHA id="X" --> where X is a 
number : that is a big task and only useful is someone is ready to 
develop a "template compiler" (like the translator compiler). The idea 
would be to : be able to report blocs in a local template to have synch 
easier. An example :
my local template
<p>something specific to me....</p>
<!-- KOHA id="1" -->
something coming from prog templates, unmodified
<!-- /KOHA -->
<!-- KOHA id="2" MODIFIED -->
Something modified locally, even if it exist in prog templates
<!-- /KOHA -->
<p> something still specific...</p>

the compiler would automatically replace the KOHA id=1 in the template, 
but let the KOHA id="2" as is, warning the user to check manually for a 

Does it sound interesting ? It would only is template designers plan not 
to modify invariant blocs, even for some spelling reasons (like "book 
bag" in NPL template where default says "basket" !)

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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