[Koha-devel] ILSDI AuthenticatePatron

Chris Cormack chrisc at catalyst.net.nz
Mon Feb 18 21:27:38 CET 2013

* Fitzpatrick, Christopher (cf at wmu.se) wrote:
>    Hi everyone,
>    I've just started working on some "connector" code to extend some
>    functionality of our Koha instance by interacting with another web app we
>    use. I'm wanting to authenticate users to their Koha accounts and it seems
>    like using the ILSDI api would be the easiest way, since it would it would
>    allow me to not have to make a direct DB connection. 
>    However, looking at the AuthenticatePatron action,  I'm not too
>    comfortable passing username and password simply as clear text GET
>    parameters, so I am trying to come up with some ways to avoid this, as
>    it's not very secure. Limiting IP access to the ilsdi.pl probably does not
>     complete resolve this issue, since the username and password will still
>    be captured in the http logs. I am curious what are some of the security
>    measures others are using when using this api? 
>    Thanks for any help! Very much appreciated...best, chris fitzpatrick 

I'd POST to it, over SSL


Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand
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