[Koha-translate] Translation for 3.12 using transifex (feedback)

Jared Camins-Esakov jcamins at cpbibliography.com
Mon May 20 14:11:45 CEST 2013


Using transifex to translate Koha to french is a real success.
> Thanks to the improved ergonomy of transifex, compared to pootle, a lot
> of french librarians have participated to the translation (I think 6
> different people, but there is no statistics about that in transifex)
> The more we use it, the more we like it.

Speaking as RM, I was rather less thrilled with the results. When I
installed the French translations in order to take a screenshot (twelve
hours before I planned to release 3.12.0!), I found that in the translation
process, many XML entities were broken, resulting in XSLT being entirely
unusable in French. This sort of entity breakage could -- and did -- happen
in Pootle, of course, but there seemed to be a lot more broken entities in
the French files than in other translations. Twenty versus less than ten in
every case. My conclusion from this is that Transifex may make translation
easier, but it also makes it easier to add errors like &nbsp in place of

In order to avoid putting out releases with broken languages in the future,
it might be a good idea to add unit tests for the PO files that checks for
broken entities, %s mismatches, etc.

>From a philosophical point of view, of course, an open source tool like
Pootle is superior as well, but my principle concern is technical.


Jared Camins-Esakov
Bibliographer, C & P Bibliography Services, LLC
(phone) +1 (917) 727-3445
(e-mail) jcamins at cpbibliography.com
(web) http://www.cpbibliography.com/
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